Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Quick Life Update!

Now with the holidays over, I am hoping to devote more time to blogging in my free time. My work schedule has been absolutely insane and tonight is one of the two nights this week that I have not had to work late so I figured I'd give you a quick life update in pictures on what has been going on with me these last few busy months!
Thanksgiving Break in Chicago!
 Such a cool restaurant!
 She's legal!
 Yes, we survived the crowd at the christmas market....crazy.
 Hey, I was there in Germany!!! I have a picture infront of that yellow house in Rothenburg!
Not as cool as the real German christmas markets.
 Celebrating Shannons acceptance into Xavier's RT program by being a bad influence.
 Bar #2 she got into....
 These pictures are from my work Christmas party that myself and my Marketing Director plan for all of our referral sources from the community--physicians, hospital social workers, discharge planners, home health agencies, etc. We had an untraditional color theme this year and a band with several raffle giveaways, it was a major it!
 The Band!
 I planned our management teams Christmas lunch, can you tell...Via Vite, of course! 
And yes, I am the youngest!
 Xavier game with Shelby!
 Christmas time back home.
 Crosstown Shootout--University of Cincinnati vs. Xavier.
Yes I even went to UC to watch this game. It was a sad day to be a Xavier fan, 
but still so thankful to have gotten tickets to this game!
Night of Fight event for CancerFree Kids! 
I'm very thankful to have been invited as a "VIP" to this event.
This event obviously had a soft spot in my heart and was very moving.
$200,000 was raised for pediatric cancer in one night!!!
SURPRISE: I'm moving!!!!! 
I will have a whole post about this later, 
but here is a sneak peak into one of my favorite rooms in my new place!

Monday, December 5, 2016

After Hours

So I have been quite the busy bee these last few months and December is an even crazier month for me. Not only has work been insanely busy but I also have been doing more community networking/marketing. I have become quite the Cincinnati socialite...ha ha, I wish! 

I guest lectured at Xavier to a Junior class and absolutely loved it. It was so strange being on the other end of things but I was that guest speaker who almost didn't finish my presentation because I talked so much...The class I lectured in was the Director of the Health Administration program's class, so it was an honor to be invited to speak. Teaching is definitely in my future! Several students reached out to me after speaking and wanted to meet with me so I have a few meetings scheduled for this week and possibly may take on an intern for the summer! 

I also have been working on a partnership with Mount Notre Dame, which is a private high school in Cincinnati. I presented to their community service leadership board this week and convinced them to partner with my company to implement OMA (more about this in a later post). I realized truly have a passion to educating others on the long-term care industry and getting them involved. It's funny, I used to be so nervous to present and hated networking. Now, this is something that is second nature to me. I didn't even prepare to present to MND and they invited me back to speak to a larger crowd in January. 

Here are a few pictures from the various events last month!
Me, My Boss & our Marketing Director at our annual Thanksgiving Luncheon.
The Health Care Collaborative Innovation Award Ceremony. 
My company was nominated for our cardiac telehealth program with Christ Hospital.
And clearly I didn't get the hide your drink memo...
This venue was absolutely stunning! Definitely on my wedding list...
Some of the work girls at happy hour!
We ran into one of our residents who was out on a date & he bought a round of our drinks...awkward.
Jill's leaving us to retire in Charleston! 
March of Dimes Signature Chef event.
I think these professional photographers get satisfaction out of getting the most awkward photos ever.
 Hospice Happy Hour!

So maybe I really only like going to these events because of the free food and drinks....just kidding! Although that is a major plus, I have met so many people from going to these events.
I always say, it's not only important to market your company, but also yourself!

Monday, November 28, 2016

Visit from Shannon!

Shannon was in town a few weekends ago to tour Xavier & hangout with me! Friday I snuck them in to all the buildings on campus and even showed them the new pizza ATM. Saturday we did typical fall things, brunched, went to the cutest pumpkin patch (which had $1 wine tastings for 5 wines!!!), devoured tacos at Bakersfield & went to Muskie Madness (the kickoff of Xavier basketball). I'd say the weekend was quite a success! 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Boston Round 2

Last week I took a trip back up to Boston for a long weekend to visit my friend Katie & celebrate my birthday. I totally failed at taking pictures this time, but I figured I would share what I did take. Boston is such a fun city, each time I visit there is always more and more to do/see! However, I have decided my wallet can only handle 5 days in Boston max, super expensive there!! I flew out of Columbus and their shuttle system for long-term parking is so much different than Cincinnati. Good thing I got there early!Also decided I like flying at night a lot better than firs thing in the morning. AND shout out to Southwest for being the best airline I've ever flown.
 First stop at 10:45pm once I arrived--Vampire bar. SO COOL.
Not sure what I actually drank, but this place gave you dry ice/sorbet/tequila as an appetizer 
(instead of bread), it was smoking & actually really good!! 
A bunch of Mexican food, alcohol, a day of work & traveling had me
 feeling not to hot the next morning.
Newport, Rhode Island. I LOVED this little town. Best decision for a day trip!
 Boston is very similar to Europe--obviously since it is New England, but I love all 
the history and old architecture! 
 I could live here!
 Trying to take an artsy
 I regret not buying this. However at this shop I was able to get another painting for my apartment! 
I collect paintings/drawings from every place I travel.
 Perfect day for lunch on the harbor.
 YUMMMMM. We ate more than this...
I could've sat and watched the ocean for hours. This is my type of beach...not Florida.
 Cliff walk on the ocean! SO pretty! Not to mention all the mansions we saw.
 Typical east coast overcast weather.
 We found the cutest little pumpkin farm on our drive back to Boston. 
 These grossed me out.
I was yelled at for taking this picture...LOL
But I really wanted that sign for my office.
 First drink of the night. 
 Before heading to the bar to ring in my birthday at midnight. 
Also the only picture we took this night...thank god.
 It poured the whole day on my birthday but that was okay because we were exhausted and decided to carve the pumpkins we bought. This was actually hilariously difficult. We wondered how this ever seemed fun when we were little. Also the first time Kacie carved a pumpkin with a stencil.
 They turned out pretty good! 
 Birthday dinner at the Top of the Hub!
Best lobster bisque soup ever. 
Kacie had to work Monday so I explored the city alone. 
I navigated the Boston subway, walked 5 miles around the city & ate alone at a cafe outside. 
 Kacie should have never left me alone on Newbury poor wallet.
So much shopping.
The Public Garden--so pretty!
 A little piece of heaven...cannoli heaven. 
Even this pretty view makes me nauseous...will it ever end??