When I was younger, I never would have guessed that I would have ended up in Cincinnati, Ohio. Most people think, ew gross, why would you want to live in the nasty nati?! Well let me tell you, there is a lot more to Cincinnati than what you see on TV on Police Women of Cincinnati.
Breweries! Cincinnati is a huge craft beer city.
I, myself have become more of a beer drinker just by living here.
Breweries that also have free yoga too....
Xavier. Let's be honest, Cincinnati wouldn't be as great with out such a fantastic school.
Baseball! I have been to more Reds games in the last 4 years than I have in my entire life!
Our stadium is beautiful & the view of the river and Kentucky is awesome.
Friends! Thankfully, my 2 college roommates are attending medical school in Cincinnati.
A few of my other friends have stayed in Cincinnati as well!
Restaurants! I officially hate all chain restaurants. Sorry Olive Garden, Chilis & Applebees!
I've had such better food and I love trying all of the new little places around the city.
Memories! I have created so many memories in this city.
Although some of my friends have moved out of state or even out of the country!
Places around Cincinnati remind me of the fun times we have shared.
Findlay Market! Yes this is not in the nicest part of town, but it is so great!
So much history and character in one place.
It is a great place to get produce, enjoy lunch & people watch.
The Skyline! There are so many outlooks and different parts of the city with an awesome view!
I just love it!
Cincinnati has become my home. I have really grown so much while living here and truly established myself. Not only have I made all of my career connections here, but also personal connections. It's amazing to see how many Xavier students ended up staying in Cincinnati because of how great of a city it is. Yes there are times I miss Illinois, but Cincinnati has the city feel, busyness, entertainment and population that I need. I love it!!!