Sunday, August 16, 2015


Never forget where you came from, that is what the saying is right? Although, I have ended up in Cincinnati, Ohio. Parts of me will always be in Illinois...especially since that is where my family is. Family is so important to me and moving out of state, I've really realized that. It is weird because we are all at a different point in our lives now and even weirder is that we are in different states! (Shout out to Shelby who is only 2 hours away now!) Studies say that students end up living where they went to college. I guess I am now part of that statistic, making it true.
Communicating is huge when living out of state. Sometimes you take for granted seeing someone every day. Being so far apart requires effort to keep in touch. I have learned how difficult that is through out the last 4 years. Lives get busy, but never too busy for a quick text! 
I hate not having scheduled breaks, as I did in college, for fall break, Easter break, Christmas break, etc. The holidays will definitely be different this year. When I am able to go home for a weekend it seems to go by so fast and I am always sad to leave. I am just thankful that I am within driving distance and the drive is actually very easy! 
As much as I would love for everyone in my family to just move down to Cincinnati so they can be with me. I really cherish every time someone comes down for a visit. I like being able to show them around the city and take them to new places. Although my apartment is very small, I am glad that I invested in a pullout couch because now they can stay with me!

Moral of the story: KEEP IN TOUCH!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Well I have to say I love your new place , you have made it such a nice "home" and cant wait to see you again. I love the fact we have are own personnel tour guide when we come down and takes us to the "best places" around town! And always look forward to hear about your new beginnings in your new city! You have grown up way too fast :( I am so proud of you and everything you do! Love you, Dad
